Sunday, July 23, 2017

It's the final countdown!

1.  I HIT MY 9 MONTH MARK IN 2 DAYS WHAT IN THE WORLD I'M FREAKING OUT!!!!!!  time literally FLIES.  so yes.  it's the final countdown for me and sister ratunuman to eat everythign we can before we start Sister rowntree's 9 months to fabulous hahaha.  we usually wake up at 6:30 as usual and we excersise.  but on the 26th until forever we're going to wake up at 6 and we are gonna WORK IT!!  usually for breakfast we eat really bad... haha..... like... i cant cook here, our stove had been broken for like 3 weeks anyways so we couldnt make our instant mie (ramen)  ((we shouldnt be eating that for breakfast anways..)  so we eat rolls,  or this guy comes by our house selling fried food and yummy pastery indonesiany thingys.... so not good ahhahaha but theyre delicious.  NO MORE.  we are gonna boil eggs (we fixed the stove)  and make oatmeal (yes they have quakers, its expensive)  and we will use the weird indonesian milk that they sell hahaha.  the milk is like powder and then i think they use water or something and pt it in a containeer, it's clean, but like, its not real milk, i think my bones are withering away. but its coconut flavored so its really good!
2.  Our miracle contact came to church again, there was a baptism,, she cdame and watched, she said she felt the spirit,  but... she says, she watnts the spirit to speak to her  i thnk shes expecting like, the buring bush that moses saw... -___- she has an interview for thrusday or frieday please pray for her.  i knw she knows she needs to get baptized.
3. I can handle rejection now.  i used to get so sad, and lose hope,  we met this way cute family, they are not christian.  yesterday we show up and the moms like, i'm sorry but theres no way 'm going to come to your church, we have our own beliefs, which is fine, but hten she asked, what even is your message?  (holding the plan of salvation pamflet which was her homeowkr)  so we started with a prayer.    even tho she rejected us, we were able to teach up until the atonement of jesus christ.   every time we teach about christ ad what he did for us the spirit is so strong.  so so strong.  we just open our months and speak of truth, and the spirit does the rest,  i know that no effort is wasted maybe in a year or 3 years or 10 she will see missionaries again and remember what she felt from her lesson with me and sister ratunuman and she'll wonder... i wonder what the rest of the lesson was like, whats the end?    There is no end, there's eternal life with our families and I know it's only through Jesus Christ we can be happy. 
I know that Christ lives,  i know his church was restored through the prophet joseph smith, I know that President Thomas S. Monson is Gods living prophet today.  What a beautiful time to be alive, to live in the dispensation of fulness of times.  I am so grateful to be here. I've learned so much on the mission... and i have sooooo much more to learn, i can feel myself changing, and I hope I am becoming the person Heavenly Father wants me to be.  Remember, when times get tough, when you feel lke giving up, remember He's been there before. YOur Savior has felt everything.  He's waiting, and reaching out for you.   Have a nice week, try to serve someone today, forget about yourself, you will feel better I promise!
Love Sister Rowntree
1) our cute investigators wanted to take a pic of us hahah

1)  our firend sings country and we found him randomly at this place by the church.  its funnier if you were there
2)  our miracle contact wanted to walk to balai kota after the baptism and take pictures. we taught her and invited her to pray again about baptism
4) the beautiful indonesian people (:

2) our new investigators from sumbah, they came to english class
3) a cute neighbor after she finished learning from the al quran class (':
4) my eyelashes have grown soooo much bc i dont wear make up on the mish ayyeeee
5) # feelinmyselfcuzthelashesareBOMB 

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