Tuesday, July 18, 2017


I really don't know what to say in this email, i've tried to think hard, it's been a usual week.  we have found 7 new investigators, one family that's not christian are allowing us to teach them the plan of salvation!!  It's so cool to learn about their religion too, i've learned so many new arabic words this week.
alhamduillah - giving thanks to god.
subhallah- you say it when you see something pretty like something pretty in nature
asalamalaikum - greetings
wa'alaikumsalam- you say back ^
SO COOL i love the culture here, the people are just beautiful.
did i tell you guys that i gave a talk last sunday? my first one in indonesia.  I talked too long and poor elder nordwald couldnt give his lol whoops. but he gave one yesterday it was great.
oh also, i want to update yall on our most progressing investigator... the MIRACLE CONTACT taht we had our first week in malang after jakarrta when we were lost and we couldnt find her and find her, from yesterday, she has gone to church for a month!!  it's so great!!  we have really seen a change in her and she herself said that she's changed. we had a lesson with a member who was also a convert and our investigator said this,  "yeah, when the sisters first got here, i was hard on them like, who is this joseph smith, what is this book of mormon."  me and sister ratu looked at each other like... UHHH YA YOU WERE hahahaha  and then she said, "but the spirit told me to give the book a chance.  "  i asked her before if she beleived the book of mormon was true, and she said, "yes why do you keep asking me that???  and joseph smith wouldnt of been able to translate it if he wasnt insprired by god!"  I'm not asking her again ahahahah i think she has a testimony, i just wanted to make sure, but her heart really has softened!  we are really trying to push her to be bpatized at the end of this month.... but she keeps saying she hasnt gotten her answer yet, please pray for her, i know she is ready.  oh yeah, she's finally calling Allah (god), Bapa Surgawi (Heavenly Father)  ((': 
we had such a miracle on sunday.  Our investigator who is not christian CAME. TO. CHURHC.  i literally cried, we were waitin goutside the church waiting for our miracle contact investigator to come. the meeting had already started...  and we looked and saw this cute lady wearing her hiljab walk past and look through the gate... we looked again adn we're like OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! and we ran as fast as we could to give her a hug and welcome her into church.. she was soooooo nervous, we had to sit outside for like 3 minutes trying to get her to come into the sacrament room.  i dont blame her! she's never been to church before!  but she said she had fun, and i know little by little she will start building her faith in our savior!
I wish i had more to say!  I know this church is true, i know that it was restored through the prophet joseph smith.  He went through so much for us, I am so grateful for the restoration,for the knowledge that my family can be together forever, I'm so grateful for my savior.  I now he died for me,  I know he's always with me, I love my heavenly father so very much, and i know he's so very aware of each of his children.  I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve god's beautiful children here in malang.  I'm learning so much everyday. have a great week!  
SEND ME LETTERS! >:(  (;  <3/ sister rowntree

1) up in the desa! (:  (village)
2) this is an oma that is our next door neighbor, she always speaks javanese with us so we have no idea what shes saying hahahah
3) sister lee is the best member missionary ever!
4)  (':  she came to church!

1)sister lee is home!!!!
2) look who came to church last week too, (and this week)  ((:
3) welcome home mama lee! (: 
4) ahahah last sunday we rode angkots to this inactive that lives in a village and we didnt have enough money to go home, this little coin is all we had haha it was hilarious,d ont worry we made it home alive!
5) well. if you're ever wondering what we look like when we teach... hahah we need to smile more, dont ask me why we have this pic, but a brother took it. so.. enjoy aja dong.

1)  she's 105 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!
3)  isn't she beatiful? (: 

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