Sunday, July 2, 2017

Don't cry, it'll be alright...

yes.  Sister Rowntree has seen Harry Styles new music video.
IT PLAYS EVERYDAY IN THE INDOMARET'S HERE!!!! (convienent store)  IT'S BEAUTIFUL, HE'S SO GLORIOUS FLYING IN THE AREA OH MY GOODNESS. the first time i saw it, i think sister rowntree left me, and fan girl Hannah came back. it was bad.  i swear i'm still spiritual (;
WOAH HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA. i really miss barbaque.  oh ya.  Sister Ratunuman and I are letting go until I hit my half way mark on the 26th.  So then we will start our 9 months to fabulous. usually missionaries do 6 months to fab, but i've let myself go.... way too much... hahah so when i hit 9 months (which is insane i still feel new)  NO MORE RICE OR MIE OR BREAD, and we are gonna exercise SO HARD.  until we are fabulouuusss.

We worked SO HARD this week! Missionary work is the hardest, most humbling and rewarding experience.  We had 3 investigators come to church this week!!!!!!  i've never had that happen before on the mish,  getting our miracle contact to church was soooo crazy, we had to ask someone last minute to follow us to her house (which is like 10 minutes by motorcycle,) but we are on bikes!  SO WE SPED WITH ALL OF OUR MIGHT TO GET TO HER SO WE WERENT LATE FOR CHURCH. she wasnt late, we were late.  and thus DRENCHED IN SWEAT for sacrament meeting, wadu.  hopefully this week it will go more smoothly hahaha
one of our investigators that came is new, we've only taught her twice, she is a doll, she's going to jakarta for a week so hopefully in 2 weeks we will teach her again.  our last lesson with her ended in laughter.  so, it's fast sunday ya?  sister ratu and i had to start our fast at like 1:30 saturday before our appointment with her at 2.  so we go to indomaret (no there was no harry styles to distract me, thank goodness) and we DOWN LIKE 3 WATER BOTTLES,  it's hot in Indonesia we gotta survive here.  then, we have our lesson, and our investigator brought some little mint candies for us, so not even thinking sister ratu and i start snacking on them.......  at the end of the lesson we're like "woah, does anybody know hwere i bathroom is we have to pee so bad!!!"  (we had 2 members present at the lesson both RM's)  they're like, "uhhh w'ere not sure"  "why do you have to pee so bad??"  literally in the middle of the sentence sister rat goes, "we have to pee so bad bc we drank so much water cuz we're-" *dramatic pause* we both dropped our mints and looked at each other with wide eyes with candy all up in our teeth,  "FASTING!!!!!!!!!"  we literally dropped to the ground and died laughing oh my goodness you just had to be there maybe this isnt funny to yall but it was hilarious i alsmot peed my pants!!!!  one of the RM's was like "wow.. the struggle of being a missionary.." ahahhahaha  ohhh my goondess, I lvoe my companion so much she's the best.
I've learned a lot about gratitude this week. In america, espceially in utah, i really took the gospel for granted.  Like, my church is literally 45 seconds away by car........ and i would always come up with excuses to not go to church like, oh, i'm tired, oh i'm sick,  oh i'm lazy.....  the people here, some people literally dont have enough money to get to church!  they sacrifice EVERYTHING to be able to partake of the sacrment.  It's so easy to forget what we have and not appreciate it.....
I was reading about the atonement this morning too.  I just want to cry thinking about how much our savior loves us, he loves us perfectly, and we cant do anything without him.  We are so imperfect, but he's always ready to help us come back to him.  How do you show your Gratitude for the atonement?    I hope by serving the lord's mission here in indonesia will show heavenly father how mjuch i love him and how grateful i am that he "so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son".   This gospel is true.
I know Christ lives, and i know He speaks to us through a living prophet.  OH YA.  we have a new investigator he is 9 years old,  and he asked us, "how do we follwo Jesus? Through an angel? or a prophet?"   we gave him the answer, we asked him if he believes Thomas S. Monson is God's prophet to day. he said "SERIBU PERSEN!"  Which means 1000% percent!  isn't it Christ that tells us to humble ourselves and become like children?  Meek, submissive, humble, patient and full of love?  This little child is so innocent and pure, and his honest desire to want to follow Jesus touched my heart.  I hope we all will have that desire like him. Christ has done is part for us, all he asks us to do is to follow him.  and we can do that by living the restored gospel of jesus christ.  Wow.  I love my Savior and I love Heavenly Father, and I'm so grateful for the mission, I'm learning so much here and I couldn't be happier.  Have a nice week! (:
-sister Rowntree

1) i like cats.
2) colorful kampung
3) we have started a daily jumping series
4) cat
5) CAT ((:
6)  i can chuck on a uke now (: 
7) we love jumping!! 

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