Sunday, July 30, 2017

Brain fart

Hello Keluarga dan temanku!!!  Saya sedang menulis syurat ini dengan alphasmartku yg baru!

WADU sorry for the random email!!!  my alphasmart had a brain fart!!!

Monday: we slept because we were sick. My first cold on the mission!!  Not fun.
Tuesday: normal day #dayinthelife. Okay, I promised my mom I’d give yall a day in Sister Rowntree’s life, cuz once again I don’t have much to say in this email..
                                                                                                                                So… like I said last week, a normal day we wake up at 6:30, now I’m waking up around 6 or 6:15 to get some exercise in. For exersise I’m doing my classic blogilates (pop pilates) ((I printed out like 100 work outs from her website and brought them here))  and also we have a Kayla Itsines book to use too! 
Next it’s time to get ready for the day,  here in malang we don’t have a shower head, we shower with a giant bucket and scoop with freezing cold water (malang is up in the mountains((when we go to surabaya for splits the water is SO WARM)))  soo we boil water every morning and night so we odnt die of freezing coldness. 
We start planning around 7:45-8:15 sometimes it goes longer depending on how many people we are going to try to visit that day, or if we’re confused on our investigators needs we take forever to decide what to teach them. Then we study the scriptures, preach my gospel or anything for our invesetigators for an hour, and then another half hour we talk about our investigators again!  We really have to involve the Lord in everything we do or else we wont receive revelation for god’s children!
By 10:00am we are out the door til 8:30/9 at night!  Malang is a “cold” city, but it depends on the day.  Lately it’s been blazing hot, I have so many white sun spots on my face I’m strating to think I might have the michael jackson skin thing….  But at night,  it’s FREEZING.  Especially after sweating alllll day long by the time it’s night time the wind is out and I’m literally so cold.  Everyone asks, where’s your jacket are eyou crazy?!?!  And we’re just like.. uh…. Didn’t think we needed one in INDONESIA.  But it’s okay sometimes it feels sooo nice.  So yeah all day we’re either teaching, or trying to find someone to teach.  We ride our bikes all day long going up and down big hills (I best be lookin like beyonce when I get home I’m just sayin)  it’s super great.  I have no problems sleeping bc we work hard all day long I can fall asleep in no time.
And then at night we don’t have to plan at night cuz of the new schedule (well.. it’s normal now but in january it was a huge deal)  so we just get ready for bed, write in our journals, update the area book, I like to play the uke and sing or draw, it’s pretty chill.  And that’s pretty much it. (I hope you are pleased mother.).
Wednesday: AYYEEE HAPPY NINE MONTHS TO ME.  Also this day we had a rough lesson with our miracle contact ): she is not ready to get baptized YET, but I know she will,  I realized that day how serious our calling is… like heavenly father has left the salvation of his children in the hands of 18 19 AND 20 YEAR OLDS!!!  Wadu.  There’s so much responsibility in a missionaries life, I’m grateful for the challenges though, because they remind me that I literally cant do anything without the lord!
Friday: Normal day  #SisterRowntree’sFaves
I am OBSESSED witht this drink called STMJ: Susu (milk) Telor (egg) Madu (honey) and Jahi (giinger)  it’s marvelous and the guy who we buy it from on the way home (when it’s freezing) speaks english!  It’s a warm drink and I’ts heavenly.
Es Degan pakai susu dan Madu:  Coconut water straight from the coconut with milk and honey. Oh baby.  It’s the best (it’s like. 60 cents) easy money.
I used to be obsessed with indonesian oreos too but now I’m on 9 months to fab.  The oreos here are soo much better than the ones in america.

#cabe’s Cabe means pepper in indonesian. But indonesian peppers are TEN TIMES WORSE. Elder Subagio made a bet with me, if i eat 5 this week he buys me mcdonalds (cheat day) easy money, guess who's eating mcdonalds today?

Spiritual thought:
Sunday we watched an amazing Mormon message about the scriptures.  I just cried my eyes out!  My whole life, I have taken the scriptures for granted. I never read them regularly.  I always came up with an excuse “oh theyre so boring.” “Theyre hard to understand” “well I’ve never had the habit of reading them before so why start now.” “I’m too tired.”  Ugh. The old sister rowntree annoys myself!!  The scritpures are the word of God.  It’s the way Heavenly Father answers our prayers.  William Tittle was stranggled because he translated the bible into englsh,  Mormoni was in hiding to perserve the golden plates, can we talk bout the effort the prophets of old had to go through to even write on the gold plates??  Holy cow the process was so long!!  (this is why I was born in this dispensation cuz I would be too lazy)  but they knew how important the scriptures were for their children, for God’s children, and for us thousands of years later. My heartwas so touched, there was regreat that I felt, for not being the best example to my nonmember friends and sibblings..  The mission is literally changing my life,  I know I cant be the sasme person with the same bad habuts when I get home.  This gospel is real.  And it is hard work beieng a disciple of the Lord in this day, but it is worth it, and we owe Jesus Christ everything in our life.  Because he gave his life for us.  The scriptures are so precious, they really will (especially the Book of Mormon) answer the questions of your soul.  I know that through the Book of Mormon we will be able to listen to the Holy Ghost, withstand temptation and become closer to our Savior.  The Restored Gospel is such a blessing in my life.  What a wonderful time to live, even though the world is gong to absolute crap, we live with the LIVING GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!  That’s amazing!  So often we forget where we come ffrom and what our purpose is.  Alma 40:11 our purpose is to prepare ourselves to meet God.  To become like Him.  And I kow it is only through His beloved son whom I love very verey much.  I am not a perfect person, no way jose,  and that’s exactly why I need my Saivor to carry me along the way home to Heavenly Father, I cant do this without Him by my side.  come unto Him.  He is the Way, He is the Light andHe loves you.  I am so happy,  I hope your lives can bee touched by the scriptures too, I hope you all will ask yourslef what is keeping you from fulling converting to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, just let it go, I’ts not worth it,  Eternal Salvation with our Families is, and all w’ere asked to do is Follow Jesus Christ. 
I'm grateful for this opportunity to serve, thank you all for the love and support.  Have a good week yall!(:

1) this is called a Warteg or Warung, we usually eat at places like this.

1) Infamous tag Pic
2) we biked through a jungle yesterday
4) our investigators mom she is so cute and has alzimers

Hello Keluarga dan temanku!!!  Saya sedang menulis syurat ini dengan alphasmartku yg baru!

WADU sorry for the random email!!!  my alphasmart had a brain fart!!!

Monday: we slept because we were sick. My first cold on the mission!!  Not fun.
Tuesday: normal day #dayinthelife. Okay, I promised my mom I’d give yall a day in Sister Rowntree’s life, cuz once again I don’t have much to say in this email..
                                                                                                                                So… like I said last week, a normal day we wake up at 6:30, now I’m waking up around 6 or 6:15 to get some exercise in. For exersise I’m doing my classic blogilates (pop pilates) ((I printed out like 100 work outs from her website and brought them here))  and also we have a Kayla Itsines book to use too! 
Next it’s time to get ready for the day,  here in malang we don’t have a shower head, we shower with a giant bucket and scoop with freezing cold water (malang is up in the mountains((when we go to surabaya for splits the water is SO WARM)))  soo we boil water every morning and night so we odnt die of freezing coldness. 
We start planning around 7:45-8:15 sometimes it goes longer depending on how many people we are going to try to visit that day, or if we’re confused on our investigators needs we take forever to decide what to teach them. Then we study the scriptures, preach my gospel or anything for our invesetigators for an hour, and then another half hour we talk about our investigators again!  We really have to involve the Lord in everything we do or else we wont receive revelation for god’s children!
By 10:00am we are out the door til 8:30/9 at night!  Malang is a “cold” city, but it depends on the day.  Lately it’s been blazing hot, I have so many white sun spots on my face I’m strating to think I might have the michael jackson skin thing….  But at night,  it’s FREEZING.  Especially after sweating alllll day long by the time it’s night time the wind is out and I’m literally so cold.  Everyone asks, where’s your jacket are eyou crazy?!?!  And we’re just like.. uh…. Didn’t think we needed one in INDONESIA.  But it’s okay sometimes it feels sooo nice.  So yeah all day we’re either teaching, or trying to find someone to teach.  We ride our bikes all day long going up and down big hills (I best be lookin like beyonce when I get home I’m just sayin)  it’s super great.  I have no problems sleeping bc we work hard all day long I can fall asleep in no time.
And then at night we don’t have to plan at night cuz of the new schedule (well.. it’s normal now but in january it was a huge deal)  so we just get ready for bed, write in our journals, update the area book, I like to play the uke and sing or draw, it’s pretty chill.  And that’s pretty much it. (I hope you are pleased mother.).
Wednesday: AYYEEE HAPPY NINE MONTHS TO ME.  Also this day we had a rough lesson with our miracle contact ): she is not ready to get baptized YET, but I know she will,  I realized that day how serious our calling is… like heavenly father has left the salvation of his children in the hands of 18 19 AND 20 YEAR OLDS!!!  Wadu.  There’s so much responsibility in a missionaries life, I’m grateful for the challenges though, because they remind me that I literally cant do anything without the lord!
Friday: Normal day  #SisterRowntree’sFaves
I am OBSESSED witht this drink called STMJ: Susu (milk) Telor (egg) Madu (honey) and Jahi (giinger)  it’s marvelous and the guy who we buy it from on the way home (when it’s freezing) speaks english!  It’s a warm drink and I’ts heavenly.
Es Degan pakai susu dan Madu:  Coconut water straight from the coconut with milk and honey. Oh baby.  It’s the best (it’s like. 60 cents) easy money.
I used to be obsessed with indonesian oreos too but now I’m on 9 months to fab.  The oreos here are soo much better than the ones in america.

#cabe’s Cabe means pepper in indonesian. But indonesian peppers are TEN TIMES WORSE. Elder Subagio made a bet with me, if i eat 5 this week he buys me mcdonalds (cheat day) easy money, guess who's eating mcdonalds today?

Spiritual thought:
Sunday we watched an amazing Mormon message about the scriptures.  I just cried my eyes out!  My whole life, I have taken the scriptures for granted. I never read them regularly.  I always came up with an excuse “oh theyre so boring.” “Theyre hard to understand” “well I’ve never had the habit of reading them before so why start now.” “I’m too tired.”  Ugh. The old sister rowntree annoys myself!!  The scritpures are the word of God.  It’s the way Heavenly Father answers our prayers.  William Tittle was stranggled because he translated the bible into englsh,  Mormoni was in hiding to perserve the golden plates, can we talk bout the effort the prophets of old had to go through to even write on the gold plates??  Holy cow the process was so long!!  (this is why I was born in this dispensation cuz I would be too lazy)  but they knew how important the scriptures were for their children, for God’s children, and for us thousands of years later. My heartwas so touched, there was regreat that I felt, for not being the best example to my nonmember friends and sibblings..  The mission is literally changing my life,  I know I cant be the sasme person with the same bad habuts when I get home.  This gospel is real.  And it is hard work beieng a disciple of the Lord in this day, but it is worth it, and we owe Jesus Christ everything in our life.  Because he gave his life for us.  The scriptures are so precious, they really will (especially the Book of Mormon) answer the questions of your soul.  I know that through the Book of Mormon we will be able to listen to the Holy Ghost, withstand temptation and become closer to our Savior.  The Restored Gospel is such a blessing in my life.  What a wonderful time to live, even though the world is gong to absolute crap, we live with the LIVING GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!  That’s amazing!  So often we forget where we come ffrom and what our purpose is.  Alma 40:11 our purpose is to prepare ourselves to meet God.  To become like Him.  And I kow it is only through His beloved son whom I love very verey much.  I am not a perfect person, no way jose,  and that’s exactly why I need my Saivor to carry me along the way home to Heavenly Father, I cant do this without Him by my side.  come unto Him.  He is the Way, He is the Light andHe loves you.  I am so happy,  I hope your lives can bee touched by the scriptures too, I hope you all will ask yourslef what is keeping you from fulling converting to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, just let it go, I’ts not worth it,  Eternal Salvation with our Families is, and all w’ere asked to do is Follow Jesus Christ. 
I'm grateful for this opportunity to serve, thank you all for the love and support.  Have a good week yall!(:

1) this is called a Warteg or Warung, we usually eat at places like this.