Sunday, June 11, 2017

Guess who's back (back)Back again?

I'M BACK IN MALANG BABY, wow my time in Jakarta was so quick but i saw SO MANY MIRACLES and it reboosted my faith to find here in Malang.  My new companion is........... 
SISTER RATUNUMAN!!! AH!!!  She's the best, she is so so awesome, we met each other online before our missions and NOW WE'RE COMPANIONS HAHA!! IT'S AWESOME!!  She has helped me keep my faith strong so much I am so grateful for her love, she is a great missionary and a great example to me!! We're having so much fun!!!
So ya, i've been gone from beautiful malang for like 3 and a half weeks, we get back here, AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE ANYTHING IS hahahahaha, it's so funny, we are always getting lost, i'm alawys calling sister angelie to direct me or the elders (OH YA) Sister angelie is not sick anymroe and she's serving in Jakarta! She was a great companion and I'm gldad she can work again.   but ya, we get lost everyday.  
but that's when the miracles happen!
So we got bakc in malang on wednesday so we've had half a week here, and we had PLD in surabaya ANNNND district conference on sunday in surabaya so the work is still super slow, we have 2 new investigators, and we've had miracle contacts!!!  I'm so excited,  like, i am so PUMPED,  the work is slow but that sokay it just means we need to find more people to teach this beautiful gospel to!
and I am leading my area for the first time!!!!  Sister Ratunuman is younger than me on the mission, which means i have to lead the lessons!!! (o___O)  CRAP!  haha just kidding,  it was just a wake up call like, woah.  i really really need to know waht i'm talking about, and i erally really ened to pray extra hard for the gift of tongues!!!!  its soooo crazy, me and sister ratunuman definitely struggle with the language, i told president.  "woah. president, are you sure you dont want to give me an indonesian companion??  I STILL CANT UNDERSTAND PEOPLE"  And he's like " Just have faith sister rowntree"  and i'm like.   okay.   
lol, it's fine, i've learned this week that ya, maybe we cant always understand what people are saying but god has given me and sister ratunuman other talents to bring to the mission!! we both love laughing and smiling and talking to everyone so its great!! i know we will have success her i can just feel it!!

I learned something cool from PLD,  when we have trials, we need to face our trials with grace.  life is always going to be hard, at times  the stormy waves will come crashing into our lives, and sometimes heavenly father will calm the storm, or other times he will let the waves rage on so we can grow in FAITH and rely on our beautiful savior's atonement.  i have so much hope through the atonement,  it's the only thing that erally keeps me going when i start to feel anxious or inadequet (cant spell lol)  but I have faith and hope that this gospel is real and that i really do have a father in heaven who loves me and a savior taht died for my sins so that i can become a better person.  so.  whatever comes your way, walk in whatever faith you got, search god with everything you've got an dyou will find him, be grateful, be humble, and learn to rely on the lord, we cant do anything without him!
well i think that's all i have to say for now.  I lvoe you all!  Read your scriptures everyday, especially the book of mormon, there is so much power int hat book,  it blesses my life everyday!!  I know this gospel is true, I know it i know it i know it!  Mission life is great,  Life is good.  Have a good week!
5) Jawa Timur Sisters! 
6&7) I love my new companion (':

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