Sunday, June 25, 2017

Merry Christmas and a happy 4th of July!

Halo Keluarga dan temanku yang terkasih!  Minggu ini luar biasa!
okay let me first explain the title of my  email. so the month of June was Ramadan!  Where the people here fast for 30 days!!!  Ramadan has officially ended so now, there's this week called Hari Raya,  i'm not sure what it's translation is in english, but all i know is taht the people here treat it like it's CHRISTMAS ANNND the fourth of july at the same time!!!  our neighbors are turning up everynight ALL NGIHT LONG!!! holy cow it's so awesome, I'm so glad I got to see some fireworks this week. The people go jalan jalan or "vacation" and everyone gets presents andt heres FOOD EVERYWHERE  .  it's so great i'm really going to miss ramadan, every night the people would go to all the stads and just buy POUNDS of food for their opening of their fast, but now all the cool stands are goonna be gone )):  i love indonesian food ))))':  Ya, so, now IT'S SO EMPTY here in malang!! there are no cars anywhere there's no traffic cuz everyone's gone!! it's crazy.  or if we do find people, theyre not from malang hahaha , oh well.
actually the whole no car thing was such a problem for sunday we were going to leave our bikes at the church and go pick up our investigator with an angkot.... we woke up SO EARLY Just to make sure we wouldnt be late.... we get out the house.... THERES NO ANGKOTS AND ROADS ARE CLOSED. oh my goodness i almost died from stress hahaha, but it's okay bc OUR MIRACLE CONTACT FROM LAST WEEK CAME TO CHURCH!!!! <333 she is so cute, she had such a great time in church, the members here in malang are so great, i know embak felt comfortable and i hope she felt the spirit, we're going to see her again on wednesday and saturday with members!
we had a really really cool miracle this week too.  we're teaching someone who's not christian,  and we were discussing the plan of salvation with her,  while we were teaching about the atonement she had so many great questions, she asked "why did jesus have to be baptized if he was perfect?"  so we read a little bit from 2 ne 31, the spirit was so strong while we read from the book of mormon especially from alma 7: 11-13  we testified of christs love for us, and that it's only through him that we can return to heavenly father!  her eyes were watering, and we invited her to follow the example of jesus christ and be baptized, she said yes, if she finds out it's true!! it was so cool!  It's so so interesting being in a missionary in a country that doesn't know who Jesus Christ is, It's like we have to teach at primary level, i'm learing a lot too because /I/ have to be capable of explaining who our savior is simply to these beautiful people, it's such a privledge to serve here.  I love my savior so so much and i know the people of indonesia need what we have as membres of his church.
i am lovng life in malang, there are so many people tot alk to here, we're makng so many friends and even if theyr'e not our religion they always give us their christian friends as referals its so awesome ahha!  my companion is so great, she teaches me everyday about the pure love of christ, she is such a good example to me!  (especially when we had to teach a pendeta (preacher) of another church,  i wanted to be sassy,  but sister Ratu's example helped me overcome the natural sass ha)  maybe i'll tell that story next week, it's too long to type.  I know this Chruch is true, miracles happen everyday, Heavnely Father is so so good.  He loves us all so much, he loves us perfectly and so does his son!  We need not ever fear, they're waiting for us to come unto them.  I'm learning so much on my mission it's crazy,  I can feel myself becoming a more confident person, happier person because II know taht my savior lives and he loves me!  that's so special, and the people here in Indonesia need to feel the same way too!  
Have a great week temanku (:  
-Sister Rowntree

1)lol i didnt take pics this week oops here's the outside of our neighborhood

  2)look who came to church (((:
3) i found a cat that loves me!!
4) cool stuff i get to see everyday
5) this is not  a cute pic, but i feel bad i never explain how things are here in indonesia like what they look like so here's a cool pasar "or market"  it's full of food and goodies and toys and FOOD YAY FOOD!!  
6)this is called es degan.  Or ice coconut, coconut is actually kepala in indonesian. i dont know waht degan is, but you literally drink straight from the coconut it is my favooooooooooorite thing to drink here in indonesia,  it's only like 4000 rupia which is like 30 cents in america T_____T  my life rules (:

Sunday, June 18, 2017

So many miracles!

Mukjizat= Miracles
THIS WEEK.  WAS AMAZING.  WE HAD MIRACLES HAPPEN EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  woah.  remember how i tolld yall i was so stressed about leading the area, and with my bahasa because i still couldnt understand the people here?  well guess what.   THE LORD HAS BLESSED ME YALL.  holy cow. holy cow.

miracle 1)   we meet this guy at a park named Mas Eko,  he's muslim, so we're like cool, no problem, maybe he will have a friend we can meet.  so we asked for a referal.  turns out, he did! her name was Embak Yandel.  He gave us her street address and told us to just go and ask ppl where it was.  (me and sister ratunuman STILL get lost everywhere)  but it's fine because we make so many friends with asking directions it's so fun.   SO.  a couple of days afterwards we try to find her.  we got lost,  this cute Bapak (older dad kinda guy) wanted to help us so he led us to that road.  we met another Bapak,  and he's  like "Here come and meet the Ibu RT" (a lady that knows where everyone lives.)  we meet her, she's like, I know all the Christians here, there is no Embak Yandel here sorry.  we were so sad, so we started eating at her resturant.   across the street we see this cute little lady,  my thought was "wow, i want to talk to her,  i think she might be from timur and hitam manis (black sweet((thats what indonesians call me everyday.  its so funny))  like me."  sister ratunuman thought "woah she looks like my sister we should talk to her"(btw sister ratunuman's parents are from indonesia she has a way cool story)   
so we're both like, okay, lets go talk to her.   and if any of you have served a mission befor eyou know how akward it is to just go up to people and say hi ya???  ugh.  i always stress about it, but we were like WHATEVER LETS JUST GO WE THINK THIS IS THE SPIRIT TELLIN US TO TALK TO HER,  turns out.  before we even crossed the street the lady started smiling and waving at us!! we're like!!  THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER NOW IT WONT BE AKWARD YAY!!!     so we start talking to her, she was so excited when we told her we were serving the lord she's like "I AM TOO!! WOW SO NICE TO MEET YOU!!"  and then we ask for her name........  "Oh I'm Miss Yandel."  !!!!!!!!!!!  Sister Ratu and I just looked at each other iwth dropped mouths.  WE  FOUND EMBAK YANDEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!  IT WAS INSANE IT WAS SO INSANE BUT IT WAS THE SPIRIT AND IT WAS SO COOL.

so now she's our new investigator, we've taught her the restoration and she's still a bit iffy about the book of mormon, christians here freak out when they hear about the book of mormon hahaha it's so funny but also sad, but i know if she just softens her heart and actually reads the book for herself!  of course heavenly father will answer her prayers and tell her it is true through the holy ghost!!

miracle 2.  this was friday i think,  the elders met this muslim woman who has lived in idaho before!!! but because she lives with her mom we had to go find her house.  SHE LIVES IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!!!!  it took us forever to find her house and we had to climb SO MANY HILLS MY THIGHS WERE KILLING ME,  and her neighborhood is super.... not christian, so we kinda had to not tell people we were missionaries just to be safe hahah.  BUT WE FOUND HER HOUSE, AND HER STORY IS TOO LONG AND CRAZY TO WRITE DOWN, but she's our new investigator and her daughter that is still in america is a member!!!! WHAT!!! i know that when we teach her about God's plan for her and her family her heart will be touched ,  please pray for sister ratu and I we are still trying to figure out how to be better teachers!  

i'm almost out of time, but.  ya there were just tons and tons and TONS of miracles this week.  We fasted last week as a zone for our investigators.  lol.  sister ratu and i had none.  so we fasted that we'd be able to find new investigators this week. you ownt even guess how many we found.

WE FOUND 13 NEW INVESTIGATORS THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  such a miracle!!!  i've never taught so many new people beofre in my life!! fasting is such a blessing it really does give us power from on high! wow!!! i know that it's all thanks to the lord, I asked President Rowley to bless me with strength to lead this new area and help my companion and to be able to understand the people here.  AND IT HAPPENED,  wow the Lord is so good to me.  I know this is His work though!  and we as missionaries are just tools in His hands.  It's crazy,  I can lead lessons now without freaking out or getting anxious, and when things dont go well (because this week we had plenty of rejections)  I dont get depressed or lose hope!   We just try again and look for someone else who is ready to here our message!  Priesthood blessings are so wonderful, I'm so grateful our church has Priesthood holders to bless the lives of god's children!

I"m just so happy now,  instead of waking up like "ugh. another day of rejection yay."  I wake up like "WOW ANOTHER DAY I CANT WAITT WOOOO!!!"  I am so so happy here in Malang, this city is beautiful, there are so many people to talk to here, we're making so many friends, the members are wonderful, Indonesia is the promise land!

 I know that the church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints is the Lord's church.  I konw he leads us through a living Prophet, and I'm so grateful for the sacrifice Joseph Smith made for us. I knw that Christ lives, I know we have a Father in Heaven who loves us more than we can even imagine,and everyday here as a missionary I learn so much more of my eternal worth.  I love the gospel of Jesus Christ, I'm so grateful for the hope I have through the atoning sacrifice of Christ's atonement.  life is so good.  have a good week and ask yourself how can you become closer to christ this week! (:

-Sister Rowntree

1) Sister Ratunuman is teaching me how to play the Uke!  Get ready for videos in a few weeks of us singing ya!
2) We made a card for an elder, I just love doodling
3) Me everyday, the cats hate me here )':
4) Sister Rowntree versus Cat
5) cute neighborhood kids

1) apparently the sisters from before used to let the kids into the house.... -___- not allowed!!!
2-4)  theyre sooo cuteeee

1) ibu margono and YANDEL!! <3
2) PAK FRANKY!!! he makes the best es puter :P
3) getting lost to Natalie's

1-2 i just love oma <3 

Sunday, June 11, 2017


1) just being cute
2) just sittin around 
3) ANOTHER VOLCANOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7) Sis R and P and R

3) KAKASHI SENPAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1) lol
2&3) our district in malang!
4) malang branch taking a bus to surabaya for conference
5)  this is Oma she is a pioneer here and she lovvessss missionaries
6) I just love sister patton

Guess who's back (back)Back again?

I'M BACK IN MALANG BABY, wow my time in Jakarta was so quick but i saw SO MANY MIRACLES and it reboosted my faith to find here in Malang.  My new companion is........... 
SISTER RATUNUMAN!!! AH!!!  She's the best, she is so so awesome, we met each other online before our missions and NOW WE'RE COMPANIONS HAHA!! IT'S AWESOME!!  She has helped me keep my faith strong so much I am so grateful for her love, she is a great missionary and a great example to me!! We're having so much fun!!!
So ya, i've been gone from beautiful malang for like 3 and a half weeks, we get back here, AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE ANYTHING IS hahahahaha, it's so funny, we are always getting lost, i'm alawys calling sister angelie to direct me or the elders (OH YA) Sister angelie is not sick anymroe and she's serving in Jakarta! She was a great companion and I'm gldad she can work again.   but ya, we get lost everyday.  
but that's when the miracles happen!
So we got bakc in malang on wednesday so we've had half a week here, and we had PLD in surabaya ANNNND district conference on sunday in surabaya so the work is still super slow, we have 2 new investigators, and we've had miracle contacts!!!  I'm so excited,  like, i am so PUMPED,  the work is slow but that sokay it just means we need to find more people to teach this beautiful gospel to!
and I am leading my area for the first time!!!!  Sister Ratunuman is younger than me on the mission, which means i have to lead the lessons!!! (o___O)  CRAP!  haha just kidding,  it was just a wake up call like, woah.  i really really need to know waht i'm talking about, and i erally really ened to pray extra hard for the gift of tongues!!!!  its soooo crazy, me and sister ratunuman definitely struggle with the language, i told president.  "woah. president, are you sure you dont want to give me an indonesian companion??  I STILL CANT UNDERSTAND PEOPLE"  And he's like " Just have faith sister rowntree"  and i'm like.   okay.   
lol, it's fine, i've learned this week that ya, maybe we cant always understand what people are saying but god has given me and sister ratunuman other talents to bring to the mission!! we both love laughing and smiling and talking to everyone so its great!! i know we will have success her i can just feel it!!

I learned something cool from PLD,  when we have trials, we need to face our trials with grace.  life is always going to be hard, at times  the stormy waves will come crashing into our lives, and sometimes heavenly father will calm the storm, or other times he will let the waves rage on so we can grow in FAITH and rely on our beautiful savior's atonement.  i have so much hope through the atonement,  it's the only thing that erally keeps me going when i start to feel anxious or inadequet (cant spell lol)  but I have faith and hope that this gospel is real and that i really do have a father in heaven who loves me and a savior taht died for my sins so that i can become a better person.  so.  whatever comes your way, walk in whatever faith you got, search god with everything you've got an dyou will find him, be grateful, be humble, and learn to rely on the lord, we cant do anything without him!
well i think that's all i have to say for now.  I lvoe you all!  Read your scriptures everyday, especially the book of mormon, there is so much power int hat book,  it blesses my life everyday!!  I know this gospel is true, I know it i know it i know it!  Mission life is great,  Life is good.  Have a good week!
5) Jawa Timur Sisters! 
6&7) I love my new companion (':

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Open your mouth and I'm on the move again!

(Written 10 min after her 1st email!

HELLOOOOOOO another week down in Jakarta, and I am loving life here.
I'm like, way sad I have to leave jakarta in a few weeks, this city is amazing.

okay we had a cool miracle, the elders met this girl at the bus way, and so we got to meet with her,  here's my journal entry for June 2.

"Wow.  Tonight was so AWESOME!  I feel so GREAT!  I really felt the Lord giving me strength tonight.  I prayed before our lesson with Feby,  I asked Heavenly Father to forgive my mistakes that I made today, to give me strength to be able to teach tonight.  and He did. What a testimony builder,  even thought my heart was pounding  out of my chest during the lesson, because (hello, this is one of Heavenly Father's children who's interested in learning),  I have to be able to teach with the spirit!  But,  I remembered the points in Master Teacher and I didn't stumble with my bahasa, and the spirit brought things back to my rememberance to help me personalize our lesson to her needs!!  I know that Heavenly Father hears our prayers,  I know that He loves me and He is patient with my weaknesses, but when I need him, The Lord will give me so much strength.  I am so grateful for this gospel. I am so grateful for the knowledge about my heavenly Father.  So many Christians here literally believe Christ and God are only one person.  It's so sad, but with this restored gospel, we know that God is our Father and Christ is our Brother,  and they BOTH hear my prayers and lvoe me.  Isnt' that beautiful?"  I know ether 12:27 is so so true,  God really will strengthen us in our weaknesses!

So then Feby showed up at church and we taught her about the plan of salvation!  she's so smart and she's so interested, she's so awesome.  We're also teaching this lady naemd Anyuk.  She's budhist, and it's so hard to teach someone who has no idea who jesus is, so it's an adventure!!

also, as missionaries we always ahve to make goals this week our goal was to talk to at least 50 people AND WE MADE THAT GOAL. (Oh ya thats why i titled this email open your mouth)   (so we were counting how many times we'd open our mouths)   it was awesome, last night we're like "crap... we need to talk to 12 more people today to hit 50... and it was already way late because we were at church all day..  and when it was time to go home we needed to talk to ONE MORE PERSON,  and we did it, it was awesome... i tried to get her number... but she sadid she was busy... so i just gave her a card iwht our number, hopefully she'll call one day. it's so fun talking to people here, its so fun teaching,  i lvoe being a missionary, and i am so grateful for all the experiences i have here!

I dont have much else to say  this work is great, remember that we are all missionaries whether we havea  badge or not! so go out there and invite your friends, be an example and let people see the Light of Christ RADIATE from you!!1 love you all!

-Sister Rowntree

1) we have rice chins
2) here's a road
3)me being cute
4) me being fabulous
5) my mom likes silly pictures so here's us not being cute again