Tuesday, November 29, 2016

6 days and counting!

THIS WEEK IS MY LAST WEEK IN AMERICA! As much as I love the MTC, I can't WAIT to get out of here!!!  I'm PUMPED to finally meet real people in the world and to not be locked away in a classroom anymore (;
THANK YOU FOR THE LETTERS AND PACKAGES, Mom when you see President Howell or Lori will you please tell them thank you for the cookies!!!!

Apa kabar semua orang?

I don't have too much time to email... but I do want to share with you the amazing experiences and what I learned from this week!

So... the days here literally feel like years... but the weeks feel like days... I really can't remember what happened on what day so sorry if I share something I've already shared lol

Tuesday:  Brent H. Neilson came and the two quotes that I LOVED were this
"Every time we meet with the Prophet each week in the temple,  He tells us 2 things.  1. He whom the Lord calls the Lord qualifies.  and 2.  when you're on the Lord's errand, you're entitled to His help."  As a missionary, I'm literally one of Lord's representatives, and fear and faith cannot work together.  I'm trying to strengthen my faith everyday by going to work and doing my best.  I always have to remind myself to have hope that the Savior WILL help me, whenever I need Him, sometimes I don't even realize it's Him that's carrying me along.  I think it's really important to consciously think of how the Savior is helping you through out the day, to recognize the amazing blessings that Heavenly Father is constantly pouring out to us.
Quote 2,  "Walk forward everyday with out fear.. and remember Lot's Wife,  she looked back and turned into a pillar of salt,  DON'T LOOK BACK.  The gospel of Jesus Christ helps us always look forward.  Who wants you to look back, to doubt and to have fear?  Satan does.   the Savior wants you to always look forward,  to come unto Him so He can heal you.  Don't worry about what mistake you made yesterday,  repentance means to improve, to change, to progress, to move forward.  leave behind the things you've done and move FORWARD!"  I know that Heavenly Father knows our concerns and imperfections, and He will bless us to move forward if we just ASK and then ACT.

THANKSGIVING WAS AMAZING.  I'm sure all of yours were great too... but I had an Apostle to listen to so... it was DOUBLE AWESOME.  Elder Neil L. Anderson came,  He talked about how we are ALWAYS going to have afflictions on our mission (and in life)  but we have to see the blessings in every moment!  Think about it, everything that we have is because our Heavenly Father gave it to us.  You're able to move, to blink, to breathe, your heart is able to beat because of Him.  That's a blessing. Your families are a gift, and the ultimate gift He gave to us was the sacrifice of His Beloved perfect Son.  For you.  That's something to always be grateful for too.  We had to read "Living in Thanksgiving Daily"  for the week, and I learned so much from it.  It's so easy to forget everything we have,  especially here in Utah,  how often do we really appreciate our majestic mountains?  There just there right?  That's something to notice every single day and to thank our Heavenly Father for.  HOT SHOWERS??  Carpet in the house?  In 6 days,  I'm going to be teaching HAPPY people sitting on a rug with dirt floors,  I'm going to be "showering" with a cold bucket and laddle,  how often do you thank your Heavenly Father daily for the AMAZING things we're blessed to live with?  I know our country isn't perfect right now, I have no idea who the crud is our new terrible president... but either way you're still blessed to be able to drive to a church that's only 3 minutes from your house.  To go to temples that literally surround us whenever we want, and you don't have to save up all your money to go to.
I also learned that the more grattitude you have, the happier you'll be.  Let go of grudges, everyday when you wake up,  drain all the negative energy, and bitterness from your heart, and replace it with love and encouraging feelings.  Lift others from their burdens.  Forgive others who have hurt you.  

Last week my Christlike attribute I was working to develop and study was Charity.  Oh boy, it was hard,  there's a reason Christ is the only Begotten Son.   Charity means to love those who hurt your feelings,  who are rude to you,  who hate you.  Charity means you're patient with companions you become irritated with easily.  Charity means you forgive those who REALLY leave a scar on your heart.  I know that it's not easy.  But that's why we have a Savior to turn to, who can literally change our hearts if we let Him.

Sorry this email is short, this time next week I'll be in INDONESIA.... and I have no idea what my PDAY is....  so maybe I'll email you guys again in a week and a half or something... IF YOU WANNA WRITE ME A CUTE LETTER SINCE I CAN'T RECEIVE ANY IN INDO MOST LIKELY THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE YALL.  I'd really really REALLY appreciate some I can take to Indo.

Once I'm in the field, if you'd like to try to send letters the address is:

Sister Hannah Breauna Rowntree
Jalan Senopati 115
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12190

same for packages... but those cost 100$ so don't worry about it (:

3) Sister Fuglsang drew these and made copies for us!!  *heart eyes emoji*
4) More christmas lights!

PS: Watch the new Christmas video AND MAKE GOALS to be more Christlike everyday this December!!  You can do it! (:

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