Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Lebih fotos

1) more christmas lights
2) sister patton taught me a Korean hand sign thing.  It's supposed to be a heart <3 
3) I think this was on Thanksgiving too btw

2)  The first week was so hard lol, so I definitely was crying when we finally saw eachother 

3)  Wolverine Crossing friends:  Here's sister Weaver and I, and yes I saw Sister Page,  Sister Black, but they've all left now )':  

6 days and counting!

THIS WEEK IS MY LAST WEEK IN AMERICA! As much as I love the MTC, I can't WAIT to get out of here!!!  I'm PUMPED to finally meet real people in the world and to not be locked away in a classroom anymore (;
THANK YOU FOR THE LETTERS AND PACKAGES, Mom when you see President Howell or Lori will you please tell them thank you for the cookies!!!!

Apa kabar semua orang?

I don't have too much time to email... but I do want to share with you the amazing experiences and what I learned from this week!

So... the days here literally feel like years... but the weeks feel like days... I really can't remember what happened on what day so sorry if I share something I've already shared lol

Tuesday:  Brent H. Neilson came and the two quotes that I LOVED were this
"Every time we meet with the Prophet each week in the temple,  He tells us 2 things.  1. He whom the Lord calls the Lord qualifies.  and 2.  when you're on the Lord's errand, you're entitled to His help."  As a missionary, I'm literally one of Lord's representatives, and fear and faith cannot work together.  I'm trying to strengthen my faith everyday by going to work and doing my best.  I always have to remind myself to have hope that the Savior WILL help me, whenever I need Him, sometimes I don't even realize it's Him that's carrying me along.  I think it's really important to consciously think of how the Savior is helping you through out the day, to recognize the amazing blessings that Heavenly Father is constantly pouring out to us.
Quote 2,  "Walk forward everyday with out fear.. and remember Lot's Wife,  she looked back and turned into a pillar of salt,  DON'T LOOK BACK.  The gospel of Jesus Christ helps us always look forward.  Who wants you to look back, to doubt and to have fear?  Satan does.   the Savior wants you to always look forward,  to come unto Him so He can heal you.  Don't worry about what mistake you made yesterday,  repentance means to improve, to change, to progress, to move forward.  leave behind the things you've done and move FORWARD!"  I know that Heavenly Father knows our concerns and imperfections, and He will bless us to move forward if we just ASK and then ACT.

THANKSGIVING WAS AMAZING.  I'm sure all of yours were great too... but I had an Apostle to listen to so... it was DOUBLE AWESOME.  Elder Neil L. Anderson came,  He talked about how we are ALWAYS going to have afflictions on our mission (and in life)  but we have to see the blessings in every moment!  Think about it, everything that we have is because our Heavenly Father gave it to us.  You're able to move, to blink, to breathe, your heart is able to beat because of Him.  That's a blessing. Your families are a gift, and the ultimate gift He gave to us was the sacrifice of His Beloved perfect Son.  For you.  That's something to always be grateful for too.  We had to read "Living in Thanksgiving Daily"  for the week, and I learned so much from it.  It's so easy to forget everything we have,  especially here in Utah,  how often do we really appreciate our majestic mountains?  There just there right?  That's something to notice every single day and to thank our Heavenly Father for.  HOT SHOWERS??  Carpet in the house?  In 6 days,  I'm going to be teaching HAPPY people sitting on a rug with dirt floors,  I'm going to be "showering" with a cold bucket and laddle,  how often do you thank your Heavenly Father daily for the AMAZING things we're blessed to live with?  I know our country isn't perfect right now, I have no idea who the crud is our new terrible president... but either way you're still blessed to be able to drive to a church that's only 3 minutes from your house.  To go to temples that literally surround us whenever we want, and you don't have to save up all your money to go to.
I also learned that the more grattitude you have, the happier you'll be.  Let go of grudges, everyday when you wake up,  drain all the negative energy, and bitterness from your heart, and replace it with love and encouraging feelings.  Lift others from their burdens.  Forgive others who have hurt you.  

Last week my Christlike attribute I was working to develop and study was Charity.  Oh boy, it was hard,  there's a reason Christ is the only Begotten Son.   Charity means to love those who hurt your feelings,  who are rude to you,  who hate you.  Charity means you're patient with companions you become irritated with easily.  Charity means you forgive those who REALLY leave a scar on your heart.  I know that it's not easy.  But that's why we have a Savior to turn to, who can literally change our hearts if we let Him.

Sorry this email is short, this time next week I'll be in INDONESIA.... and I have no idea what my PDAY is....  so maybe I'll email you guys again in a week and a half or something... IF YOU WANNA WRITE ME A CUTE LETTER SINCE I CAN'T RECEIVE ANY IN INDO MOST LIKELY THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE YALL.  I'd really really REALLY appreciate some I can take to Indo.

Once I'm in the field, if you'd like to try to send letters the address is:

Sister Hannah Breauna Rowntree
Jalan Senopati 115
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12190

same for packages... but those cost 100$ so don't worry about it (:

3) Sister Fuglsang drew these and made copies for us!!  *heart eyes emoji*
4) More christmas lights!

PS: Watch the new Christmas video AND MAKE GOALS to be more Christlike everyday this December!!  You can do it! (:

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hannah and her companion sing a hymn in Indonesian.

HALOOO! Kabar baru? Nov 22, 2016

HALOOO!  Kabar baru?
This past week has FLOWN BYE!  I can't believe I only have two weeks left in the MTC,  I think I have 2 Pdays left.... I'm not for sure,  I can't remember if we leave on Monday or Tuesday.... or Wednesday....... OH WELL.

I'm going to start with Tuesday:  ELDER GARY E. STEVENSON and his beautiful wife came for the Devotional!!!  and...........  I SHOOK HIS HAND!   It's all thanks to Sister Patton, we were in choir which is pretty far from where He spoke, but he came back into the room and we BOOKED IT..  It was awesome!!  ANYWAYS,  Him and his wife spoke to us about a Missionary's Thanksgiving.  (I think it applies to everyone though)
1)  We should have Thanksgiving for the change of heart wrought by the gospel.  I sure hope I've experienced and continue to experience this mighty change.  I know I have, I've never been this close to my Savior before in my entire life.  It's so funny, I thought before entering the MTC  I knew what I was talking about.  I was like "Oh yeah,  my testimony is so strong!! I've got this in the bag!"  I don't think I knew what I was talking about ðŸ˜‚   I've learned SO MUCH here in the MTC,  and I continue to learn and grow everyday.  It's insane, it feels like I'm in primary/ young womens/ seminary ALL over again but times 100.  I don't know if that makes sense, but I'm so grateful that I decided to serve a mission, not just for the people, but truly converting myself to the gospel and the Lord's will.  
2) Have Thanksgiving for the Lord and His Gospel
3)  Thanksgiving for the Spirit
4) Thanksgiving for the Restoration.  We have SUCH a unique message to share!!  We should always be searching for opportunities to share that message!  Don't be shy,  don't be scared,  the Lord will help you!  
It was a very simple Devotional, but it was also a great reminder of how blessed I am to have this gospel in my life and how AWESOME this opportunity is to share this message!!!

Wednesday WE GOT TO BE HOSTS!!!!  It was so fun!!! but also SO sad to watch all the missionaries cry and say goodbye to their families.  I was like "WOAH TOO SOON TOO SOON" and I felt super homesick remembering saying goodbye to my fam bam.  It was great to reassure the sisters though and tell them that they're families going to be taken care of.  OH YEAH, and the title of this email says I cna't speak japanese or english.  It's getting so bad you guys, you can probably notice from my emails, my english grammar is AWFUL LOL  AND  the first sister Sister Patton hosted was from JAPAN!!  so we were eating lunch with her,  and I was trying SO HARD to speak some japanese. Nope.  Everytime I tried to say "Watashi wa" (I)  I'd say "Saya" (i)  I CAN'T SPEAK ANYTHING ANYMORE HAHA.  but speaking of language, it's coming along great!!!  TRC was a lot better and I could understand one of the RM's well even though he was speaking fast.  THE GIFT OF TONGUES IS REAL.  But you have to work your butt off!!  The Lord's not going to just hand it to ya on a silver platter.  I have  to try everyday to speak as much as I can!

SUNDAY:  AMAZING AS ALWAYS.  I hope you guys really truly enjoy the Sabbath day,  try to keep it holy,  read your scriptures, watch some mormon messages, serve someone, visit someone...  and always remember your Savior.  So for Sunday Devotional we had the District president and his wife speak,  IT WAS SO AWESOME.  It was all about Charity and devoloping Christlike attributes.  So this week, I'm working on Charity, and every week of my mission I'll choose a different Christlike attribute and do my best to learn and grow as I follow the Savior's example.  I've realized I really need to tone down the sass!  My natural man immediately gets irritated when things don't go my way... or I don't understand something right away... and I can get annoyed so easily with people.  NO MORE, I'm really REALLY trying hard to think before I speak too.  my mom has always told me to work on that my entire life and I never realized how important that is until NOW LOL sorry mom love you! (;  So everyday for personal study I really really study my scriptures, I start in the topical guide under Charity, and I read each scripture there and apply it to myself,  y'all should see my spiritual journal it's FILLED.  Scriptures are so awesome, everytime I read the same scripture, it applies to me in a different way.

OH AND THEN, we watched a talk from Elder Holland.  HE'S SO SCARY HOLY COW.  Here's a little taste,  "If you plan to go out on your mission and waste time, THEN GO HOME NOW"  but it was also so awesome,  I learned that I really need to take my mission seriously.  That every waking moment, every thought, every action I do needs to be in tuned with the spirit.  He said "You won't ever have this chance again to ever be so close/like the Quorum of the 12, DO NOT MISS ANY opportunity you have to be APOSTALIC,  it won't ever be like this again.  Make your mission apart of your soul."   You should've seen my face,  I was in awe, He was quite scary... but also empowering.  Like YEAH I CAN DO THIS.  

I'm gonna quickly share one more experience I had.  So at the beginning of this week, I still felt like I had no idea what I was doing when I was teaching.  I kept feeling waves of discouragement, and I was listening to those feelings of "You suck,  you can't teach with the spirit etc..."  I was feeling so down because I try my best everyday, and I felt like Heavenly Father wasn't listening to my prayers.  So after we teach Alfred ( oh yeah we have 2 new investigators, Joko and Rianah)  Bro. Blazer comes back in,  and asks us how we feel,  and I told him the same thing I just told you.  So he's like, Okay let's read in the book of mormon,  We Read Alma 32: 41-43  (it's about faith and it becoming a tree, when you nourish the seed)  BOOM, there I am crying again in class haha... but I felt chills run through my body, and the spirit warm my heart, and I knew that feeling was God's love.  HE was not not answering my prayers,  I wasn't SEARCHING for them.  I learned that 1) I wasn't having enough FAITH.  2)  Heavenly Father will answer your prayers in sooooo many different ways!  For me,  Heavenly Father wants me to read the Book of Mormon more, when I feel discouraged or down or lost,  that's when the Holy Ghost testifies to me, that's when I feel close to the Lord.  If I want Alfred, or Joko, or Rianah to read the Book of Mormon more and pray about it,  I NEED TO READ THE BOOK OF MORMON MORE AND PRAY ABOUT IT.  
I challenge you guys,  whenever you feel down, or lost , or confused.  Like Heavenly Father has abandoned you.  I want you to ask yourself "Can't you have a little faith?"  also, read Alma 5:26 and ask yourself that question. If it's a no,  what are you missing in your life?  Do you need to pray more with all the energy of heart?  Or do you need to read your scriptures more and diligently search for the answers of your soul?  Heavenly Father will never abandon you.  Christ is always there for you on the other side of the door knocking.  YOU HAVE TO LET HIM IN.  

I LOVE being a missionary, as soon as I figured out what I was lacking in my life, I've been able to teach so much better, I have better confidence to go into each lesson without writing everything I want to say down in my tiny little planner.  This week I heard,  "Preach YOUR gospel (yes it's the Lord's) but bare testimony of what YOU KNOW is true"  I love learning everyday, I love my Savior and I know that's He's always there for me even when I feel lost or confused, and I KNOW He's always there for you too,  Trust in him.  Love Him.  And let Him in.  

HAVE A GREAT WEEK HAPPY THANKSGIVING EAT LOTS OF GOOD FOOD FOR ME (I'm trying to cut down, cuz heaven KNOWS I've gained at least 10 pounds lol)  Sampai nanti ya!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Info for writing Sister Rowntree

Sister Hannah Rowntree wants everyone to know about http://www.dearelder.com/  as it's a great FREE way to send letters to her for 3 more weeks at the MTC.  The address below has all the info you will need to send her one. The mail service is not great to Indonesia so please write her while she's still stateside! Thanks! FYI her email address is hannah.rowntree@myldsmail.net

More pictures, a little out of order from her titles.

1) one of our last zone prayers with the Thai's ):
2)  Sister McDonnel and I  (LOL this was the first week, OH YEAH I FOUND MY RIGHT SD CARD LOLOLOL)  
3) When you live at the MTC, your chins disappear xD 
5)  This is Elder Howell in the Malay district.  HE EATS SO MUCH, LITERALLY, he stacks his trays AT LEAST WITH 4 DIFFERENT PLATES OF FOOD ITS INSANE 

Send me letters yall, have a good week! (:


1) our zone!!  Which is split in half because the Thai,  and Cambodians are gone!
3) Sister Ward and Sister Gibbons were our training leaders!  (yes theyre gone now too ): )
4)  our new sister training leaders,  they're in the Malay district, (we combine to make one district unofficially lol)
5)  More sister McDonnel,  yall seriously don't understand how amazing she is I was bawling when we said goodbye haha

Whoooah we're halfway there!!!!!!

Keluarga dan teman saya!  Apa kabar?  Saya dan rekan saya BAGUS, minggu ini BAGUS.
Can you believe tomorrow is our HALF WAY POINT??  Thank goodness, I can't wait to get to Indonesia when it starts snowing!!  ALSO Who the crud is our President??  Either or, it's probably a good thing I'm leaving the country for a year and half in 3 weeks ya?  

Okay,so last tuesday we had an AWESOME Devotional with Joy D. Jones, the primary general president and her husband.   Her husband calculated how many hours we serve as full time missionaries, and for sisters its around 12,000 hours that we get to serve our Lord!  And he said to us,  DON'T WASTE A SINGLE SECOND.  I'm trying my best,  I've learned to LOVE PCL (Personal, Companion, Language)  study so so so much.  Especially personal,  it's where I learn the things I need to truly understand and have a strong testimony of for my investigators.  It's made me reflect on my life and on the HOURS that I wasted no reading my scriptures, or developing my testimony everyday back in the day.  Yes, y'all don't have 9 hours to study like we do, BUT,  I know you can at least find 5 minutes a day to think about your Savior and Heavenly Father ya? 

Wednesday we taught Alfred!!  Remember how bad our last lesson was?  WELL THIS ONE RULED.  It was our first time that we actually worked TOGETHER as a companionship and we taught SIMPLY for Alfred to understand.  We were teaching him about prophets, and the priesthood authority Jesus brought to the earth during his ministry. and how important it is to have that authority to administer ordinances like baptism.  I taught about Joseph Smith, and simply bore my testimony of Him and how thankful I was for him restoring the gospel of Jesus Christ once again on the earth today, and restoring the priesthood authority we NEED here on earth.  I then pulled out a picture of Thomas S. Monson, and we all bore testimony that WE HAVE A LIVING PROPHET on the earth TODAY, who LEADS and GUIDES us!  How wonderful is that?  We were all almost in tears and we invited Alfred to prepare for baptism!  He said he may!  That's better than a no!

I heard the coolest quote this week,  "Your group (missionaries) are the most prayed for in the world,  missionaries are prayed for more than the Prophet Himself,  think of the prayers in the temples, every single day,  think of the people at home and in your ward that are praying for you by name"  So whenever I'm feeling down I have to remind myself, how blessed I am to be here, to serve the Lord and bring God's children unto Christ.  I have to remember that Heavenly Father is taking care of my family while I'm gone,  that I don't need to worry about them, and that Heaven is on my side.

Saturday:  OUR FIRST TRC!!!  Don't ask me what it stands for, I have no idea, no one tells you anything here, BUT,  we had the opportunity to teach members FROM INDONESIA  and return missionaries that served there.  AND THEN, one of our girls brought her Muslim friend!!!!  UH OKAY HERE'S OUR FIRST REAL INVESTIGATOR WHOOP.   Trc was quite literally a slap of humility to the face.  I thought my bahasa was pretty good!!  I can understand 89%  of the things my teachers say BUT THEN we go in and natives speak sO FAST. SO SOS SOSOSOSOSOOOOOO FAST.  I was like "apa?"  "APA?"  "APA?!!?"  (what)  I seriously need to work harder on my language skill,  I had no idea what they were saying hahaha, I could pick out some words, but that's about it.  We taught them about Enduring to the End,  it was great,  next time we're going to teach about the Book of Mormon, because we asked Heniff ( our muslim friend)  if he had one. Of course he said no, but that's going to change soon(:  Hopefully..

SUNDAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER LIKE USUAL.  You should SEE, my spiritual Journal and the notes that I took,  I learned SO MUCH.  So first off,  my companions and I are in choir,  and Brother Eget is having us sing Joseph's First Prayer.  Seriously, my favorite song ever, I love Joseph Smith so much, I'm so grateful for his sacrifice.  During choir, our teacher tells stories about the piece we're singing,  he told us a TON about Joseph Smith during his first prayer.  Apparently on LDS.org there are a bunch of more in depth accounts on what Joseph saw, I can't WAIT to read them.  He really was an extraordinary man.  I can't wait to sing it on Tuesday for devotional.  We then had Richard I Heaton  come and speak with us.  It was a little weird... I can't go into much detail cuz it'll take too long...   BUT his talk was SO AWESOME,  D&C is literally a GOLD MINE full of scriptures for missionaries,  His talk was basically saying "Don't wait for the holy ghost to tell you what to do.  When you pray and wait for an answer and it doesn't come, just GO, MOVE,  God is working in your life whether you see it or not"  After a lesson when I think or will think  "Crap, none of that made sense,  I don't know if he felt the spirit, what if he doesn't understand!"  IT DOESN'T MATTER,  God is working on him STILL,  he shared a little story,  

"One day I asked a new member what made them want to keep meeting with the missionaries,  the member then said,  "I have no idea,  they could barely speak the language,  what they were teaching me was all over the place and didn't make much sense,  but it was the way that I felt when they were there that kept me wanting to learn from them"  It doesn't matter what you say,  if you open your mouth, Heavenly Father will fill it with whatever needs to be said,  the spirit is a universal language.  When a thought comes into your head to do something DO IT,  especially if it's for another person,  don't ever post pone a prompting!

Okay last last bit,  AFTER devotional we went to watch Elder Bednar's talk "Recognizing the Spirit"  IT WAS SOOO AMAZING  The main question for him was "Elder B,  how do I know if it's the spirit, or if it's just me?"   His answer:  "QUIT WORRYING ABOUT IT"  !!!  AWESOME HUH here's a quote

"So many missionaries are PARALYZED thinking, Oh I'm not being moved by the spirit etc...  quit worrying about it and get to work!  If it's a good thought, it's the spirit,  be a good boy,  be a good girl,  keep your covenants,  obey the commandments, and GO"   Sitting around waiting for some dramatic revelation isn't going to work, yeah maybe some missionaries do have crazy experiences, but other times the Lord leaves it up to you but "what you think you're thinking is still the Lord's influence on you"  (I'm really bad at quoting, he said it much more beautifully haha)  I don't know if that made any sense.  but Sunday was a real answer to my prayers,  I just need to work hard, be obedient, and get my booty to work!  I need to quit thinking "Oh oh OH WHERES THE SPIRIT TELL ME WHAT TO DO."  because I wont' get anything done!

Sorry for my epistle, I really try not to make my emails long, but I learn so much each week!  I love you all and I can feel your prayers,  THANK YOU TO MY WARD FOR THE LETTER AND SCARF I WAS CRYING,  I miss you guys.  And mom thanks for the Swedish fish AND MY INDO CTR RING, I know what it says  " Memilih yang Benar!!"  cool huh,  thank you for all the letters and emails too, you have no idea how much they lift me up and remind me why I need to be here!  Keep reading your scriptures and praying,  talk to your Heavenly Father,  He wants to hear about your day and your needs and concerns,  thank Him daily for EVERYTHING that He gives to you.  I love being a missionary and I love my Savior!  I know He lives and because of HIM I can do anything!  

Sampai nanti!

1)  okay the sister in the middle is sister Mcdonnel,  she just left yesterday for thailand SO OUR ZONE IS LITERALLY ALL GONE.  She is so amazing and I miss her dearly

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


The Humble Butt- Week 2

HALO!  Bagaimana kabar anda?

WOW.  I can't believe tomorrow makes it 2 weeks!!  It feels like i've been here for AGES ahhaa, but I love it!!!
1.  Uh, sorry to those that didn't get my first email last week, turns out I was added y'all to "contacts" and not my "mission group emai"  LOL SORRY MOM AND DAD 
2. Natalie, if you're reading this,  I was the one that finished off your peanut butter,(and ate most of it)  fall semester HAHAHAHAHAHA LOVE YOU

3.  quick funny story before I tell you guys of this HUMBLING week.   K,  if you know me,  you KNOW the four words that I say the most is "I think I lost ___" WHATEVER ya know.  So real quick overview of my two weeks in the MTC,  I definitely lost my SB card thingy to my camera RIGHT after I emailed you guys, (that's why there werent many pics cuz we were in a hurry)  AND I DROPPED IT or something who knows.  It's fine, I found it, BUT ALL THE PICTURES WERE GONE.  So this weeks pictures are so scraggly I apologize.  BUT ANYWAYS,  I was in the bathroom doing my thing right before gym time AND BOOM, I DROP MY MTC CARD IN THE TOILET, I started dry heaving and gagging and my companions were ROLLING on the floor laughing, I literally boiled my hands, fingers, and card in BLEACH and hot water, It was AWFUL hahahaha,  I'm such a clutz here!!  Same ol' me.

Tuesday:  ITS PDAY PDAY GOTTA GET DOWN ON PDAY.  Nothing much happened except I had a BREAKDOWN ahhahaha, I'm so emotional here you guys,  but here's the thing.  Missionary work is HARD and I was being so hard on myself and worrying that I wasn't doing my best or that the spirit was broken inside me ( I know ridiculous) but I seriously was feeling so down.  I felt a little better after crying to my Heavenly Father in the celestial room, but to be honest I WAS BUMMED OUT, who knows why, Just a lot of stress and feelings pent up ya know.  UNTIL. TUESDAY NIGHT DEVOTIONAL WITH  ELDER. RUSSEL. N. NELSON!!!!!!! What!?!?  an apostle for my first devotional here?!?!  COOL
He LITERALLY changed my life,  and I have a whole new perspective of myself.

Basically I was letting my past mistakes bring me down, and I was telling myself "Sister Rowntree, you're not perfect, you wont be able to teach with the spirit blah blah blah." AND THEN,  these words come out of an apostles mouth  " "As oft as my people repent will I forgive them for their transgressions"  Put your trust in HIM,  some of you may have made mistakes before,  but the Savior is NOT DISAPPOINTED in anyone who TRIES to repent"   I was in AWE.  I was looking around like "IS ANYBODY HEARING THIS?!?"  "HOW DOES HE KNOW WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR?"  It was so amazing, I was sitting there bawling like a baby ahaha!!  
YOU GUYS.  DONT TAKE COUNSEL FROM YOUR FEARS,  If you're trying everyday to continuously and CONSCIOUSLY repent, You WILL have a change of heart.  And I'm not even talking about the big sins,  we make mistakes everyday!  We will never be perfect and the Lord knows that!  We are LITERALLY embedded in the palm of His hands, He stained the cross with His blood for US, and our mistakes, and weaknesses, and shortcomings, and trials, and all the pain we would ever feel in this life.  I love my Savior, and Russel M Nelson really taught me to just let the past go and GET TO WORK SISTER!    I'm always thinking about myself,  this work is about HIS CHILDREN, Heavenly Father NEEDS US, not just missionaries but you guys too to reach out to His children and bring them home to Him.

Wednesday:  Was a normal day,  studied my butt off for hours and it was great!  This past week I've been trying something new.  I bought one of those cheap little book of Momons and chose a Christlike attribute to study.  I chose obedience, and as I read each verse and tried to really ponder about each verse I'd tried to find examples of obedience in every chapter.  WOW. NEPHI RULES.  Hes so awesome, never complained ONCE,  and as I studied about obedience this week I would catch myself saying "sister Rowntree, stop being a Laman and Lemnuel, and STOP COMPLAINING,"  It's so hard sometimes, to fight against the natural man, I've learned this week that I really need to be more conscious with my thoughts and actions.  I need to turn out more like the Savior and Nephi, instead of turn in.  

Thursday:  It was our last lesson with Reza!!!  It was truly bitter sweet, and it was our first time as a companionship to go off from the lesson!  Like instead of just sitting there reading here our notes LOL ,  we tried so hard to follow the spirit!  And she accepted our invitation to get baptized!!   Guys, it's INSANE, that I've only been here for 2 weeks, and I can UNDERSTAND Bahasa Indonesia!!  It's all thanks to the Lord that's for sure.  But I asked Reza,  "Do you have faith In our Savior Jesus Christ?"  And she said "Mulai...  (She's beginning to.)  so Sister Patton bore a beautiful testimony ,  inviting her to "Start to exercise that fatih, and be baptized,  to follow Christ's example,  so that she could live with her mother again one day"  It was awesome.  We later watched a video of Reza telling us that she truly felt loved by her Heavenly Father.  That's all I needed to hear to boost my confident as a missionary.. The Lord will help us bare witness of the truth,  my purpose is to invite others to COME unto CHRIST,  by helping them feel loved, and the Lord and the Spirit will do the rest.  I'm just the Lords instrument.

Friday:  Okay,  I was sassy again this day. I was SO TIRED,  and getting frustrated in class and I was NOT humble at all.  I started freaking out again about the spirit, that it was broken inside of me or something, because I don't feel that burning bosom thingy every time I teach or bare testimony or 24 hours of the day.  I thought something was wrong with me!!  So there I was again doubting myself and building up all these emotions and Brother Blazer was like ,  "okay, lets read from Kitab Mormon ya?"  and a sassy thought crossed my mind,  "Oh sure,  let's discuss the Book of Mormon in a language I CANT SPEAK OR UNDERSTAND SURE"  (so so sassy.)  but then I realized I could have my english scriptures opened lol.  ANYWAYS  we read in 3 Nephi 27 (go read it)  and verses 20, 19, 30 & 31 hit me like a freight train.   There I was turning IN again!  Thinking only about myself!  (If I had my scriptures I'd type the verses out, but we're actually waiting for our laundry to get done, so sorry just look them up!)   My whole mindset changed again!  And Brother Blazer had us just sit in silence for a few minutes,  and I could finally FEEL that burning bosom, but it was over my entire BODY.. READ THE BOOK OF MORMON you guys,  if you're feeling lost or abandoned or confused,  read the Book of Mormon, and then pray in faith, and the Holy Ghost will speak to you,  isn't that the promise in Moroni 10: 3-5?  The Holy Ghost will bare witness that it's true, but it may not come as a GIANT RUSH OF SPIRITUALNESS burning in your bosom,  it may just be a thought, or a peaceful feeling.  My district then all testified to me that the spirit has His own LANGUAGE,  just like we're learning bahasa Indonesia,  the spirit has his own language too!!  We have to learn to LISTEN, and to be HUMBLE and to stay SPIRITUALLY IN TUNE, to be able to hear what the spirit wants to tell you.  He speaks to us ALL so differently,  none of us are the same so of course we're not going to feel the same things or receive the same impressions.   This is why we're always told to read the Book of Mormon everyday,  it will guide you in your life.  I testify and know that's true.

Saturday:  (Sorry this is getting long, BUT I'VE LEARNED SO MUCH THIS WEEK SO)  K.  Guess who walked into class to teach us this day.  REZA.  Turns out her real name is Sister Bartholamew (cant spell to save my life)  AND WE KNOW EACH OTHER FROM INSTAGRAM HAHAA  ,  so I guess our teachers are our investigators, BUT THEY'RE STILL REAL TO ME.   To make this quick,  she had us role play by teaching the Restoration using our pamphlets in 5 minutes.  We're trying to learn how to teach simply.  AND I COULD DO IT, and it was FUN.  I was feeling so confident like OH YEAH BRING ON THE NEXT INVESTIGATOR I'M READY.   Ohhhhh did the Lord humble my butt very shortly after that...

Sunday:  Sundays are the best as usual, it's like our time to breathe and be free!  I love sacrament meeting, I love getting there early, to really ponder about the things that I need to work on for the next week, and taking the sacrament helps me start over!  I challenge you guys to try to make your sacrament more meaningful too.  It will really change the way you prepare for the Sabbath.  We had mission conference too, and it was fast Sunday!  What a blessing it was to be able to fast!  There are so many things that we can fast for, not just for people in need, but to give thanks to the Lord for all He gives to us.  It was nice to go and bare my testimony again,  it felt just like the old times back at home,  our branch president also said this, "The more you testify and bare witness, the more your faith will grow"  Boy do I need that.  Bare your testimonies often you guys,  you never know who needs to hear it!    Also I learned in mission conference that I need to be more grateful for the things that I have.  I'm always asking asking asking,  so I bought a miracle journal, and for now on, I'm going to list, or write about all the miracles I see in a day, and how I've seen the Lord's hand in my life.  When you reflect on your days, you will see that the Lord is always there. 

Monday: OKAY I'll make this quick!!  THIS. was the MOST. HUMBLING. Experience ever,  (there's gonna be more to come I know)  but MAN was my spiritual butt whooped into humility yesterday.  We have a investigator,  His name is Alfred, and he's Christian.  He's living with his aunt and uncle who are both Mormon.  So of course my lovely companions and I did our personal and companion study for DAYS before meeting him.  I was feeling pretty confident because our role play went so well right?    I had spent HOURS trying my best to understand Christ's Doctrine and to strengthen my testimony.  

WELL. WHOOP DEE DOO.  I forgot how to speak Indonesian.  It was AWFUL. JUST AWFUL.  We went in there,  and tried to get to know him, and practice the "How to begin teaching stuff" we just learned that day.  And it all just CRASHED AND BURNED.  It was SUCH  a wake up call to me.  First off,  one of my companions really can't speak or understand the language as well and Sister Patton had a brain fart too and instead of teaching simply he kept asking us questions about the Great apostasy and I was like NOOOOOO I prepared to teach about the Book of Mormon.  YOU GUYS.  I cant even explain to you how terrible it was hahaha.  Poor Alfred just looked so confused,  my language isn't great so I can only say "God gives men power God called Priesthood Authority" ONE WAY!  Bahasa Indonesia is literal caveman talk like "God loves children His"  Book of Mormon True"  "Joseph Smith translate Book with Power God"  IT SHOULD BE SIMPLE RIGHT??? NO.  
So luckily Alfred said he'd like to meet with us again, and that he's very confused from all the information -_____-  and I started crying again to Brother Blazer (Who was alfred lol) and I said  "THESE ARE ACTUAL PEOPLE WE'RE GOING TO BE TEACHING, THESE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN AND I DONT KNOW WHAT THEY NEED"  Let's just say I cry a lot hahaha.  But Brother Blazer is so awesome, and he said that we're great missionaries and our language is great and all this nice stuff, but I didn't believe him.  He then had us role play teaching Ojeda again.  Ojeda is this beautiful black woman, she's a minister, and she gives her EVERYTHING to God.  and He had my companions and I teach Elder Hurt (who pretended to be Ojeda)  I covered "God Reveals His gospel in every dispensation, and Jesus Christ's earthly ministry "  We were practicing to teach simply.   

As I bore my testimony to Ojeda,  telling her that her Heavenly Father is AWARE of her and her needs and that the gospel will help her with her Family problems,  I could feel the Holy Ghost..  I felt encompassed in God's love for me, and Ojeda.  It was so amazing.  It's like Heavenly Father was saying to me, "Ya okay, your lesson didn't go well.  Get back up, and try again, you can do it, just try again."   Heavenly Father is so aware of us you guys and our needs.  He hears your prayers, humble yourself,  submit your will to the Lord's Will.  I'm sorry this email is like a mile long, but I've learned so much from my Heavenly Father this week,  He is shaping me into the missionary that I need to be,  I need to forget myself and turn my heart to Him.  I love you guys so much, and THANKS FOR ALL THE LETTERS AND EMAILS.  They seriously make the hard times so much better and remind my why I'm here.  Come unto Christ,  turn your heart to His. Rise each day with a smile on your face, with Hope and FAITH in your heart, with eyes searching for opportunities to serve others,  I promise as you forget about your burdens and try to reach out and help someone else carry theirs, the Lord will LIFT yours off your shoulders too.  

I love being a missionary and I love everything that I'm learning!  I can feel myself growing and it's all thanks to the Lord!  Have a good week!   Saya mengasihi anda!<3  

1)  We needed one selfie for this week since I lost all my other pics oops
2)  We've become besties, besties buy matching pjs
3) Don't ask lol
4) I love my zone!