Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hannah's first email

We got our first email from Sister Rowntree hours after we left her. It sounds like typical Hannah!

"Saya baik baik!!! Everything is fine!! My P-day is on Tuesday!  So i'll send ya a real letter then!!!  Wow I miss you guys so much.  I should've said goodbye longer but you know me, I'm never thinking ahead hahaha!!!  Trying to hold in tears though!!  MY COMPANIONS ARE SO CUTE  Yes I have two.  AND MY TEACHER DOESN'T SPEAK ENGLISH AT ALL.  I'm so glad I practiced my indonesian before I got here!!!!! Tapi, Saya tahu allah membantu saya (But I know God will help me)  THE SPIRIT IS AMAZING HERE DID YOU GUYS FEEL IT RIGHT WHEN WE GOT OUT OF THE CAR!?!?!?  I CAN'T FEEL HE WHO CANNOT BE NAMED AT ALL!!!!  I Literally feel a spiritual barrier around me it's amazing!!!!!!

LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!!!!  I'm bagus (great) saya bugus and you guys will be too!!! Saya tahu Allah membantu anda juga!  (I know God will help you too!)  and He loves you so much!!  Bye!!!!(:""

1 comment:

  1. Still trying to get these pages and pictures in order and make sure everyone can comment and share the page as well!
