Sunday, October 30, 2016

I survived my 1st week!

November 1, 2016- Hannah's first real letter home and she forgot to add her MOM and DAD to her email list.  Thank heavens Calsita was on the coveted email group list.  If you didn't get an email just follow her on this page or send your email to me at   I am going to try and convince her next week that mom should be doing the email group and she just needs to spend her time writing for us!


I can't BELIEVE tomorrow makes it a week since I've arrived at the MTC!  I love it here!!!  I'm going to be completely honest and say that this week was one of the most challenging, emotional, but uplifting weeks of my entire life!!!  No one told me the first 3 days of the MTC would WHOOP my spiritual butt into shape!!!  It was like a spiritual rollercoaster!

Wednesday:  As soon as I stepped out of the car, I was overcome with the spirit,  He told me that I was meant to be here!  My host was like "It's okay to cry all day sister I did." LIES  I had no time to cry! So I cried myself to sleep that night LOL.  It's fine though, I was just super homesick and had a very interesting experience during my first "My purpose and People" class.  BUT LET ME TELL YOU about the first thing that happened once I put my bags in my room, this is classic.  I walk into my classroom and there are two sisters there already, and our teacher.  As soon as I walk in he's like 
"Sister!  Apa Kabar?"  and I responded in Indonesian since I had previously studied over the summer a little bit.  and then he's like "Siapa Nama Anda?"  and I'm all confident and say,  "Nama Saya Hannah!"  djkaf;sdjkl;asd  SO EMBARRASSING ,  He looked at me all weird and then I was like OH OH OH NAMA SAYA SISTER ROWNTREE, all loud and ridiculously....  A typical Hannah Moment. and then I learnt the hard way that our teachers LITERALLY don't speak an INCH of English..  I'm being taught bahasa indonesia in bahasa indonesia ðŸ˜‘   the struggle was real

Thursday:  I wasn't as emotional as I was Wednesday, which was bagus.  And indonesian class was FUN!  My district consists of Me, and my two companions, and ONE Elder!  Isn't that hilarious?  He's a solo missionary, so his companion is in the Malaysian district.  Kinda awkward..  but my zone is AWESOME,  there are the 4 Indonesians,  a million Thai speaking,  Cambodians,  Mohng speaking, 2 Laotion speaking Elders, and Vietnamese!  I LOVE ASIANS.  I mean, they're all not asian obviously, but we're all going to the beautiful continent of Asia.  Anyways, the day was suuuuper long because all we really did was study and get ready to teach REZA <3  but we had our branch presidency meeting and I just love everyone so much.

Friday:  OUR FIRST LESSON WITH REZA!  She's beautiful and I love her so dearly,  her dad is Muslim but one of her siblings (I have no idea if it's a boy or girl because my bahasa STINKS) is a member of  Gereja Yesus Kristus dari Orang-orang suci zaman akhir!  (LDS)  Her mother has already passed away, but she wanted to know more about God and Our Savior.  So cool!!  So... the first lesson... kinda was rough...  As companions we literally just wrote down a bunch of simple phrases and read them to her... so awful haha!!  BUT she did accept our invitation to read the pamphet about The Plan of Salvation!!  So at least I could understand that right?  But she didn't accept our invitation to go to church.   

After our lesson we had the gift of tongues lesson, in bahasa indonesia of course,  AND IT WAS SO AWESOME!  It really opened my eyes on how much I needed to humble myself and chill out.  All I could do was stress about EVERYTHING and not being perfect.

Saturday:   We met with Reza again!! annnd she read our pamphlet!!  I was so happy,  I could actually kinda understand what she was saying to us..  She said that she really liked the part about eternal life, WHICH IS WHAT I HAD PREPARED, so I kinda talked the most during our lesson,  but I just explained to her that God wants us to be happy and to have eternal life and that she CAN live with her mother again for all eternity because the gospel  is all about families!

Sunday:  BEST. DAY. EVER.  Everyone kept saying "Just make it to Sunday Sister Rowntree you'll be okay"  Yes, the MTC is AWESOME, and being a missionary is AWESOME,  but this past week was SO HARD!!   You study for HOURS UPON HOURS and you work SO HARD for your investigator AND YOU CAN'T COMMUNICATE without reading from a script and I have been WAYYY too hard on myself!!!  But, I learned this Sunday that this is how God shapes his missionaries.  God puts us through trials to learn and GROW. I have SOOOOO MUCH to say about Sunday and what I learned so I'll try to sum it up!!!   
(also sorry this email might not make sense, I forgot my journal at residence so I really can't remember much from the week AHAHA)

OKAY. So,  Sacrament meeting was amazing,  I really tried to prepare to partake of the sacrament and really reflect on my week and what I needed to work on.  The theme for all the talks was "Enduring to the End"  It's exactly what I needed.   WE ARE NOT PERFECT, but we have to KEEP GOING.   Ask yourself everyday,  "What can I do to be a little better than I was yesterday?"  and don't forget to rely on the Lord!!  I kept saying to myself this week, "I can't do this,  I'm going to be a terrible missionary"  I was RIGHT,  I CAN'T do this without the help of my Savior!!  I need to stop thinking about myself and more about Him and what I can do to become more like him. 

Okay, and then we had our first devotional!!!  IT WAS AMAZING.  To summarize it in one phrase.. It was like a giant sludgehammer/ slap to the face.  But in a good way!! It was Richard N. Holzapfel who spoke, and it's like he KNEW EXACTLY, what I needed to hear.  His talk was about failure, and he compared us to little toddlers learning how to walk.  Think about it, when a parent sees there kid starting to walk and stumble they yell out "GET OUT THE CAMERA THEY'RE WALKING" and most of the time the child falls right? BUT the only way for the kid to learn how to walk, they get back up again to try again.  
HELLO, that's us!  Missionaries and as children of God,  when we take what we learn in church, in trials, and afflictions and try to apply the principles of the gospel in our lives Heavenly Father says "GET OUT THE CAMERA!  THEY'RE WALKING, TRYING, PROGRESSING!"  We do not have to be perfect in everything, and I know it seems like sometimes life can get SOO overwhelming because we can't do EVERYTHING at the same time.  and that's okay,  Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to be perfect in one day,  ask yourself,  What do I need to work on to become more like Christ.  Diligently study and seek for the knowledge and then PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE,  You're not going to get it perfect in one week, or even a month,  but sooner or later it'll become second nature to you!   

I hope that made sense...  

Monday:  We had another lesson with Reza.. AND IT WAS AWFUL..  YOU GUYS. I was the only one that talked the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME.  My companions don't understand bahasa indonesia!!!!!  it was so so sos osossfodijfsdoafooooooooooo awful.  I tried my best, she asked me,  "Apa Pendamaian?"  "what's the atonement" and luckily I had underlined a definition in PMG about the atonement and I tried my best to bare a simple but powerful testimony about The atonement and through Christ's sacrifice we can have eternal life etc... but i felt SO DOWN on myself, for being a blabber mouth and not doing my best in answering Reza's questions ):  So yesterday was a little rough ahah I had my first real breakdown,  Elder Hurt (our district leader) gave me a recess peanutbutter cup thing and said Happy Halloween and I started sobbing ahahaha I was just overwhelmed by his kindness ahahha and it made me homesick cuz I LOVE Halloween and my family and it was just a bunch of pent up stressed bursting out of me.  My companions were dying laughing, it really was hilarious.

OKAY MY COMPANIONS!!    1st, we have Sister Fuglsang (FUL SANG) and she's from Australia.  You will NEVER.  EVER. EVER. guess how old she is!!!  I'll let you come up with your guesses real quick..  She cried like the first 4 days here ahahhahah she's soooo stressed about the language, but I know that she can do it!!
Then, we have our sweet little flower, Sister Patton, she's from KOREA! But has lived in the US for the past 6 years,  her english is pretty good, but sometimes she'll mix up her words.  It's adorable.  She is SO SHY,  but lately she's been opening up to us!  It's crazy that the lord put us together, we are all SOOO different,.  Sister Fuglsang is head strong and has all this life experience,  she was a high school art teacher before the mish.  Then there's our little flower starting to bloom each day, Sister Patton who's very kind and always has the tissues ready for Sis F and my tears ahaha.  But I've learned that the Lord really wants me to put their needs above mine, and I pray everyday to find ways to help them and to understand what they need.  We might not seem like we're having as much fun as the other sisters who like have giant fort sleepovers in their rooms and hug all the time.... but we've had very special spiritual experiences together as we learn how to work with one another and lift each other up.
SISTER FUGLSANG IS 33!  CRAZY HUH!  She's like our mom and makes sure I obey EVERY rule here.... ESPECIALLY the no chewing gum rule!  THAT'S THE HARDEST ONE HAHA

I promise next weeks email we be so much better,  I'm just frazzled and dead from this last week and have no idea what's coming out of my mouth to here LOL.  I'll be more prepared I swear.  I love you guys!  I love the Lord, and I love my Heavenly Father,  this work is SO REAL.  And the times are coming.  Be a missionary everyday and ask yourself what you can do to  serve someone else everyday,   know that Heavenly Father IS aware of you and knows how you're feeling every second of the day.  Come unto Christ,  He's waiting, and He's willing to embrace you in his arms.  Everything will be okay.  Saya tahu bahwa benar itu!  

Sampai Lagi! <3

Hannah's first email

We got our first email from Sister Rowntree hours after we left her. It sounds like typical Hannah!

"Saya baik baik!!! Everything is fine!! My P-day is on Tuesday!  So i'll send ya a real letter then!!!  Wow I miss you guys so much.  I should've said goodbye longer but you know me, I'm never thinking ahead hahaha!!!  Trying to hold in tears though!!  MY COMPANIONS ARE SO CUTE  Yes I have two.  AND MY TEACHER DOESN'T SPEAK ENGLISH AT ALL.  I'm so glad I practiced my indonesian before I got here!!!!! Tapi, Saya tahu allah membantu saya (But I know God will help me)  THE SPIRIT IS AMAZING HERE DID YOU GUYS FEEL IT RIGHT WHEN WE GOT OUT OF THE CAR!?!?!?  I CAN'T FEEL HE WHO CANNOT BE NAMED AT ALL!!!!  I Literally feel a spiritual barrier around me it's amazing!!!!!!

LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!!!!  I'm bagus (great) saya bugus and you guys will be too!!! Saya tahu Allah membantu anda juga!  (I know God will help you too!)  and He loves you so much!!  Bye!!!!(:""