Sunday, December 24, 2017

A Week with the Funks. (Written on 12/3/17)

Hey fam, this week has been craaazy sweet!  Right now it's thursday night as i'm writing this on alfasmart.  tonight me and my wonderful companion went on splits with Elder Funk's wife, Sister Funk and Sister Rowley!  It was my first time going on splits with Sister Rowley and this time we happened to have the pleasure of being accompanied with Sister Funk too.  A little nerve wracking but i'm also so gateful for the learning opportunity I had.  They taught so simply and beautifully. and truly brought a special spirit to the lesson.  We taught ibu Tutut and Mbak Vero.  They're getting baptized next week!  They're such miracles.  WE taught about the doctrince of Christ. or The gospel of jesus christ.  we read straight from 3 nephi 27, the savior's own words to the people of Nephi.  It's such a beautiful chapter, as christ explains why he was sent here to do the will of His father.  to be lifted up on the cross, to die for us.  He reminds us that no unclean thing can return to heavenly father, but if we have faith in him, repent, and are baptized in His name (aka by the proper authority), are sanctified by the holy spirt, and are faithful until the end we can be saved.  it's so simple. and so beautiful.

I know that God really does love us, because he sent his perfect son to help us who are not perfect, we all sin, we all make mistakes, but repentance is real.  Monday we had MLC and it was amazing,  one of the main things that touched my heart was a quote from sister rowley.  "Don't get discouraged,  The Savior is with you. He died for you."  whether we're missionaries or just normal people we are all disciples of jesus christ and we all have different trials, and i know He can help us through those trials, if we just let him in, if we just come unto him.  Like alma says in alma 32:27  'if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words and exercise a PARTICLE of faith'  with whatever faith you have now in the savior, decide what you're going to do with that faith, how are you going to act on that belief.  do you really love him, do you really believe he loves you?  so what are you going to do about it?  All He asks us to do is follow Him and keep His commandments.

It is now sunday night, i was so tired I almost fell asleep in our last lesson.  After 2 weeks we FINALLY saw Ibu E again (the one who almost got baptized) but it's a good thing she didn't at the time we were pushing for cuz she is sooo not ready, and i'm glad we saw her tonight bc i was worried we were going to have to drop her but i was actuallly with Sister Utomo tonight (we had a mini split)((there's some drama with that i'll let ya know in a sec)) but we both saw the potential in her tonight, and we know as she diligently starts reading the Book of Mormon again her heart will change.

Also tonight sister utomo and I saw Ibu Tutut and Mbak Vero, who will be getting baptized this Saturday!!  They're just miracles and I'mso so grateful for this opportunity to be here to help them enter into the waters.  I know sister Rowley and Sister Funk are excited for their baptism too, they're so sincere and Ibu Tutut said the cutest thing, she's so humble, she's like,  "I just can't describe how grateful I am that they wanted to come and see me, I'm just a small person, but they wanted to come see me." :') so cute.

we had 6 people at church this week! (we could count saturday night's session of conference) but it was awesome that they all got to meet President Rowley and Elder Funk.  and the talks were all on point, I also got to see my old investigators that the timur sisters are teaching, it was so great, and i saw BOGOR MEMBERS and MALANG MEMBERS and I just love the memberes here in indonesia so so much it was great.

oh ya, ya know how i said there was drama i wont tell you what but i will tell ya that i'm soooo grateful for my amazing companion, sister toala.  we get along so well and we laugh all day long and she's teaching me a lot. it's like she's training me not the other way around!  SHE GOT TO BE INTERVIEWED BY ELDER FUNK which was way cool and he gave her the best advice so we're both just PUMPED to get out there and work hard!

also i had my first paranormal experience, it was so weird yall and sister toala was there so she's my second witness.  we were roleplaying and i was making her recite the first vision in indonesian over and over again until she had it perfect while we were eating lunch.  AND THEN. all of a sudden my glass of milo moved slowly across the table!!!! o.O!!!!  it WAS CRAZY YALL we both just stopped and watched it, it stopped, we looked at each other, and we're like. uhhhhh what the.  we tried to see if the table was like slanted or what not.  nope.  or if it was just slippery, no.  IT WAS CRAY YALL.  so thats my first crazy experience.

we also have sad news,  so my mission grandma just got married and many members from all over indonesia went to her wedding in malang.  turns out there were members from solo that went, and on the way home they got in a terrible accident, 5 were injured and 1 passed away, and the one happened to be one of the new elder's father. ):  He just got on the field 3 weeks ago. and his mother is in critical condition.  Please keep this elder's family in your prayers.

I'm trying to think of anything else,  oh yeah we're getting new bikes today hollah!  It was just a great week, my companion and I found quite a bunch of new investigators and we have 3 people on date for baptism in desember, and life is just good.  I can't believe I'm hitting a year in indonesia this week. so weird. it doesnt even feel like it..  I'm grateful for all the experiences I've had this last year in this beautiful country.  I am so lucky I could serve the beautiful friendly people of Indonesia, to be a representative of the Lord and to share His true gospel with the people.  It's such a beautiful thing to see, the light of the gospel truly blessing the people's lives when they accept it.  Heavenly Father has told me that on my mission, I will be filled with joy as i see the light of the gospel touch people's lives, and that I hold in my hand the happiness of numerous of people, even generations unnumbered.  I finally understood that this week. Elder funk shared so many cool stories of his mission as he served here 45 years ago.  and how he got to meet his old investigators, maybe he wasnt there when they were baptized, but they thanked him for teaching him..  and that one family has had so many missionaries and so many go to the temple and etc..  Maybe as missionaries we dont always see the frruit of our labors immediately, but i know no effort is wasted when we share this precious message with whoever will listen.  who knows who will accept it in the Lord's time after I am gone..  I just heard that Sister Yandel (our miracle contact)  wants to go to the temple next year (':  and I found out from Bogor members that an investigator that I taught got baptized (do you remember Fana? (: )  and SHE'S PREPARING TO GO ON A MISSION!!  isn't that beautiful??  I'm so happy.  This gospel is just full of Happiness and everyone needs it in their life.

I'm trying to think of a spiritual thought for  yall, but the only thing I can think of is just the simple things.  Pray everyday yall, talk to Heavenly Father, He loves you, and prayer will give you strength, read your scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon the last few conferences have had AMAZING talks and promises about the power of the Book of Mormon. I know the words of Christ will strengthen you.  The simple things will protect us from the advesary, from all the temptations,  the simple things will help us want to become more like Christ.  I hope you all have seen the new Christmas campaign,  forget about yourself this Christmas, think of others, serve others, do the things Christ would do if He were here.  Mosiah 2:17  (You're only in the service of your God when you serve others)  I love this gospel, I love my Savior and Heavenly Father and I hope you all can draw nearer to them this Christmas!  Love you!
<3// Sister Rowntree

1) way cute candid pic from Sister Funk's iphone while we were walking through a gang.
2) just being cute ya know

1) my mission grandma! probs the last time i'll see her she's movign to tanggerang cuz she jsut got married!
2)me and anak ku <3
3)lol we look better upside down and its sister Lea from Malang! <3 (':
4) just feelin fab

1) one time we went to a park and we taught the restoration to a group of young girls it was fun
2) splits with sister rowley and sister funk! *(:

4)they're both canadian, and i'm pretty sure i'm from canada somewhere so ya. we're all canadians

1) He's tongan she's samaoan i'm just there.
2) our house!
3) ya itulah.
4) lol this is what i usually look like, rachet.  but hey look at the cool surroundings of surabya

No time to post! Sorry (written on 11/27/17)





i promise next time i'll write a real email and send pics  love you all thanks forhte support have a christ centered week ya  CHRISTMAS IS COMIN BABY!  GET OUT THERE AND SERVE! (:

<3// Sister Rowntree